The AC shall be the principal academic body of the College and shall, subject to provision of rules of the College, have the control over and be responsible for the maintenance of standards of education teaching and training, inter-departmental co-ordination, research, examination and test within the College and shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be conferred upon it by the G.B.


The AC shall comprise:


i) Principal of the College as the Chairman, Ex-officio;

ii) All heads of teaching departments;

iii) Four senior teachers of the College to be nominated by the Principal;

iv) No fewer than four specialists from outside the College representing Commerce, Education, Industry, Law, Medicine and Engineering etc. to be nominated by the G.B. Vacancies arising out of exigency shall be filled up from the appropriate category by the Principal for the rest of the term;

v) Three faculty members of the Utkal University;

vi) A faculty member of the College to be nominated by the Principal as Member Secretary of the AC.


Two years on rotation, except for Ex-officio members. In case of members nominated under (ii), (iii) & (v) above, they shall continue to be the members of the AC for two years or till such date as they shall continue to be members of the staff of the College, whichever is earlier.


i) To exercise general supervision over the academic work of the College and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, evaluation & research for improvement of academic standards;

ii) To prescribe curriculum/courses of studies for courses leading to degrees and diplomas;

iii) To scrutinize and approve the proposals of the BS with or without modification; if the AC differs from the proposal, it may reject or return the matter to, for reconsideration with necessary reasons there for. In case the BS resubmits without any change, the AC shall reserve the right to accept or reject the proposals;

iv) To formulate rules and regulations for conduct of examinations and evaluation, not inconsistent with the provisions of the byelaw framed there under;

v) To formulate rules and regulations for admission to different programmes of study, sports and other extracurricular activities, discipline, attendance, admission to hostels and for award of scholarship, fellowship and free studentship, for proper maintenance and functioning of the playground and hostels etc;

vi) To recommend to the G.B on measures for improvement of standards of teaching, training and research; introduction of new programmes of study, if necessary, on abolition or withdrawal of ineffective/failing discipline(s);

vii) To appoint sub-committee(s) to advise on such matters as maybe referred to it by the G.B, to consider the recommendations and take actions including making of recommendations to the G.B as the circumstance may demand;

viii)To take a periodic review of the activities of various departments; To recommend institution of teaching post(s) to the G.B;

ix) To avail the services of guest faculty, faculty and / or exchange programmes for various disciplines as and when required;

x) To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be necessary from time to time.


The AC shall ordinarily meet at least once a year with a fifteen day notice by the secretary for each meeting. An extraordinary meeting may be convened by the Chairman as and when necessary.

i) One-third of the total members shall constitute the quorum for a meeting;

ii) Decisions may be made by the AC through circulation of are solution among the members of the AC. Such decisions shall be deemed to have been passed in a meeting provided that at least one-third of the members record their views in the affirmative.